Saturday, April 27, 2013

Weighing In

On a personal note, I have quite a bit of leftover pregnancy weight that I need to lose - and Super E isn't exactly a newborn either! I wanted to be able to hold myself accountable. I need that little extra incentive to stick with it! So I have created the Weighing In page here on my blog. I will be keeping track of my weight loss goals and progress here and I hope that others will join me.

For anyone who would like to keep track of their weight loss with me, simply post your weight loss goal (how many pounds you would like to lose - no need to include your actual weight... I would rather not disclose that information) into the comment section at the bottom of the page. Each week, come back and let us know how much weight you've lost (or gained) and we'll mark it off.

If you have any good tips or advice, please feel free to post those as well.

Losing weight can be so frustrating and can sometimes seem impossible. Together, we can support each other and offer encouragement and motivation.


  1. I would love to lose 15 lbs. and feel comfortable in shorts and tank tops....not trying for swimsuit ready yet!! I think my biggest problem (aside from getting motivated to exercise)is that even though I eats lots of vegetables and fruits, I eat even more processed foods, refined sugars, and bad carbohydrates......the stuff that tastes really good!
    I would like to start off with trying to replace some of the unhealthy things I eat with healthier options and eventually work my way to using the showroom-new treadmill that currently sits in my house...I don't think my body could take the Insanity workout :), but I think it's great you're up to the challenge....good luck to you too and I'll keep updating with my progress as well!

    1. I'm glad you've decided to join me Snickeo. That's funny about the treadmill. I've had the Insanity DVDs for almost a year now. I used them for about a week or 2 and then they've sat on the shelf until this past week, I finally wiped the dust off of them and put them in. And I have a Total Gym in the closet that rarely sees the light of day. Honestly, it's as much of a workout getting that thing out and ready to use as it is using it!
      I'll add your goal to the weighing in page.
