Monday, April 15, 2013

Easter Sensory Book

We have been working with Super E on all things sensory. For Easter, we made a touchy feely book in the shape of an Easter Egg. The original idea came from a pin I found on Pinterest. Here is a link to the website that inspired us:

I made most of the pages but I let Super E help with a couple of them.

I mixed up a batch of homemade textured paint. This paint dries with a sandpaper-like texture. This made it perfect for our sensory book. Plus, it is completely safe if when Super E decides to taste it.

I squirted some glue and helped him sprinkle on some colored rice. He wasn't very happy about the rice sticking to his fingers.

I went back over the rice with a layer of decoupage after the glue had dried. Hopefully, that will help to keep the rice from popping off.

I used card stock to cut out the egg design. I glued each egg to cereal box cut outs for reinforcement. I covered one egg with aluminum foil, taping the back side with packing tape. I covered one with felt and pipe cleaners using a glue gun. I attached silky ribbon to another. His favorite page is the squishy page. I filled a sandwich bag with a little finger paint ( I double bagged it to be on the safe side). I attached the bag of goop with some packing tape and viola!

He loves it!

Questions and comments are always welcome. You can also email me at

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