Sunday, April 28, 2013

Playing The Blues

We have been learning the color blue this week. The idea was to expose Super E to as much blue as possible and repeat the word "blue" a million times... Or more. But Super E has had a Super cold and hasn't been feeling all that super. So we didn't get to do everything that I had planned. I will be adding more once he is feeling a little more like his super self.

I gathered up a selection of blue items from around the house. I tried to make sure to only use things that were almost completely blue because I wanted to avoid any confusion with other colors. We played with these items and made sure to say the word "blue" each time Super E picked up a new object to examine.

We made letters out of blue bottle caps.

We made an E for Super E.

We played with blue play dough.
We played with blue water beads.
For those of you who do not know, water beads are awesome! They are basically wet, squishy, marbles. They start out as these little tiny beads and grow to be about the size of marbles when you put them in water. They are a great sensory material - wet, slimy, slippery, squishy, bouncy, shiny, colorful... you get the idea. The best part is that they are super cheap! You can find them in most dollar stores and they are normally with the plant stuff. Their intended purpose is actually for watering plants but this is way more fun.
A word of caution: Super E played with these water beads under CLOSE supervision. You should use caution when deciding if your child should play with water beads. They are a choking hazard.

This stuff is wet! And yes, there are water beads everywhere.

The beads that didn't survive the wrath of Super E.

What should we do with the survivors? We made a blue sensory bottle.

I filled the bottle halfway with the water beads and filled it the rest of the way with water. I hot glued the lid on. Just make sure that the top of the bottle and the inside of the lid are both dry. Work quickly so that the glue is still hot when you screw the lid onto the bottle. The Gatorade bottle that I was using had an orange lid so I painted it blue. I glued on some ribbon and added a little scented glitter glue for an extra sensory touch.

Super E loves it!

Love this stuff!

Questions and comments are always welcome. You can also email me at
Thanks for stopping by! Please make sure to check back. I'm just getting started but I will be adding new stuff daily.

1 comment:

  1. The water beads idea looks like connection!
