Friday, April 19, 2013


Orange has been our color of the week. We have done orange everything this week:

We've dressed in orange as much as possible. (Which wasn't a lot because Super E doesn't really have very much orange clothing.)

We took orange baths.

First, I looked around the house and tried to gather up all of the orange stuff I could find. I tried to make sure to only use things that were almost completely orange because I wanted to avoid any confusion with other colors. I found some cookie cutters, bottle caps, and a few toys. Then, I cut several shapes from orange craft foam. They stick nicely to the side of the wet bathtub. Time for the finishing touches. I added some orange food coloring to the water, an orange bathtub marker, and one dirty toddler.

We colored orange pictures.

We made an orange noise maker, aka headache maker.

I wrapped a potato chip can with orange construction paper. Then I gave Super E some dried beans and let him put them into the can. He loved that part! I didn't super glue the lid because I knew that if I did, Super E would have a super fit when he couldn't get the lid back off. He likes to take the lid off, take out the beans and put them back in. So I only let him play with this while CLOSELY supervised. Keep in mind that the beans could pose a choking hazard to small children. This should only be played with under careful adult supervision.


We created an orange finger painting masterpiece with puddin' cup paint.

We made orange yummy paint (cool whip and food coloring). Super E painted his highchair with it.

We made an orange lava bottle.

I added enough water to fill about 1/3 of the bottle. I mixed in a little food coloring and some glitter. Then, I filled the rest of the bottle with oil. I used cooking oil but you could also use baby oil. I hot glued the lid on. Just make sure that the top of the bottle and the inside of the lid are both dry. Work quickly so that the glue is still hot when you screw the lid onto the bottle.


We made some orange rice.

We played in orange sensory bins.

We used our orange rice as a base for this sensory bin.

Super E had a blast scooping and pouring the rice.

Spreading out a tablecloth helps to keep the mess under control.

He decided to stick his foot in.

Then he decided to stick his whole body in.

We played a game of orange bowling... with oranges.

We made an orange flower.

And I repeated the word "orange" about 100,000 times.

My best friend,"The Cat Lady", told me that the month of April is Animal Cruelty Awareness month. And their color is orange.
So we've been supporting a cause and learning a color all at the same time! I've been multitasking and I didn't even know it.

April is also Autism Awareness month. So next week will be blue.
Questions and comments are always welcome. You can also email me at
Thanks for stopping by! Please make sure to check back. I'm just getting started but I will be adding new stuff daily.


  1. Very creative ideas for combining learning and fun---looks like he really enjoyed all the activities!
    And an added bonus for supporting an animal cause :)

  2. Thanks Sarah! We had a lot of fun with this. He's not communicating well yet so it's difficult to tell how much he's learning at this point. But I think exposure and repitition is so important. And the main thing is that we're having fun together!
