Friday, April 19, 2013

I lost my child... No, just my mind

Okay... It's official... I have gone completely, certifiably, insane!

Allow me to explain...
I put Super E down for his nap today. My house was a mad house (What else is new?)... Overflowing toilet, math drama, phone ringing, dog barking, cat meowing... All of a sudden, I noticed that the baby gate had been left wide open. I went into the kitchen to look for Super E but he wasn't there. So I panicked! I was tearing the house apart, calling out his name. I even checked outside in the yard. I was frantic! And then it hit me like a bug on a windshield, "You put him to bed you crazy lady!" Boy was I relieved! Dr. X was laughing hysterically. He has been telling everyone how his mama thought she had lost his baby brother but she had really just lost her mind. What can I say... The kid's got a point.



  1. A superhero's work is never done! :)

  2. LOL. Supermama gone loopy!! This goes right along with me trying to put a pacifier in my 11 year old's mouth because she needed help putting in her hoop earrings while her 2 month old sister was crying for a paci. Hey, I'm just glad I didn't cram the earring in the baby's mouth LOL. Glad you made a blog btw. I will need humor and reading fun!!

  3. Thanks Kelz! I'm glad you like it! I am totally convinced that having children does something to a woman's brain cells. But that's okay, I think I do crazy pretty well. Normal... Sane... What fun is that?
