Monday, May 6, 2013

Our Lucky Day - Update

Well... Our Lucky Day clover experiment didn't work out at all like we had originally planned.

Click here to read more about Our Lucky Day clover experiment.

After doing a little research, I was under the impression that a clover clipping would not grow roots. Thinking that our original experiment was going to be a bust, the new plan was to dig up the actual plant that contained the four leaf clover, replant it and observe... We couldn't find one.

Really?! How do you find 7 four leaf clovers one day and then none the next? We were starting to feel not so lucky.

But wait! What is that in the bottom of our vase of clovers?
Roots! Guess it's our lucky day after all! I think we might have given up on this experiment a little prematurely. Now, that's not saying that we can get these clovers to actually grow. But we definitely were able to get them to grow some roots.
Four out of the seven clovers grew roots. Time to plant them and hope for the best.
Will our luck continue?... Stay tuned to see what develops.

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